How to travel carefree when you are a planner

Ah the thought of having no responsibilities, no restrictions or plans, is really beautiful isn’t it. It really is dream or fantasy for some people, and for me too. Who doesn’t love the thought of pure freedom! That is until I do it, and about one day in, I am itching to plan something. RestlessContinue reading “How to travel carefree when you are a planner”

Travel vs Vacay, what’s the difference?

Both options are appealing, because they both mean you will be going somewhere right!? I’m writing this post during the co-vid 19 lockdown, and the thought of getting on a plane made me wet my pants a little, with excitement! Anyway.. In my opinion travelling and going on vacation are different ball games. Yes grantedContinue reading “Travel vs Vacay, what’s the difference?”

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