How to travel carefree when you are a planner

Ah the thought of having no responsibilities, no restrictions or plans, is really beautiful isn’t it. It really is dream or fantasy for some people, and for me too. Who doesn’t love the thought of pure freedom! That is until I do it, and about one day in, I am itching to plan something. RestlessContinue reading “How to travel carefree when you are a planner”

Conquer your fear of being alone and travel solo!

You want to travel right? You’re the one of your friends when some suggests a place for a holiday, your response is ‘yes, let’s book it now!’. You are the action taker, the one who would actually do it, yet your friends are the dreamers, the ones who always have an excuse to why theyContinue reading “Conquer your fear of being alone and travel solo!”

How to manage stress while travelling

Mental health is so very important, and managing stress Is a key part of that. When travelling there are many unexpected situations that may arise for you. How you handle them in the moment, is a deciding factor for the after effects. I know I may come off as a calm cool and collected personContinue reading “How to manage stress while travelling”

Travel vs Vacay, what’s the difference?

Both options are appealing, because they both mean you will be going somewhere right!? I’m writing this post during the co-vid 19 lockdown, and the thought of getting on a plane made me wet my pants a little, with excitement! Anyway.. In my opinion travelling and going on vacation are different ball games. Yes grantedContinue reading “Travel vs Vacay, what’s the difference?”

Top tips to surviving your first time living abroad

Congrats! You’ve done it! You’ve made a decision to go on a journey of self- discovery, I am proud of you! Keep in mind that this is only the beginning, and what follows can be messy, but oh so rewarding.  I was lucky enough to have my ‘first time’ twice. First, I moved interstate whenContinue reading “Top tips to surviving your first time living abroad”

Start from the beginning…

I didn’t choose the travel life, the travel life chose me. I know, pretty unbelievable, a rather bold statement really, but it is true. So buckle up friends because we are going on a wild ride. A journey of self-discovery, adventure, highs, lows, loop de loops and who knows what else, because this ride isn’tContinue reading “Start from the beginning…”

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