How to travel carefree when you are a planner

Ah the thought of having no responsibilities, no restrictions or plans, is really beautiful isn’t it. It really is dream or fantasy for some people, and for me too. Who doesn’t love the thought of pure freedom! That is until I do it, and about one day in, I am itching to plan something. Restless that I don’t have rough structure in mind, something to be responsible and accountable for. I need to know what’s going on and establish a routine. I guess it’s the feeling of being out of control and the fear of the unknown that creeps in. But isn’t that why people travel? To experience the new and discover the unknown? To escape their reality and challenge themselves?

So how do you overcome these feelings and urges that come instinctually? So you can have a more relaxed and enjoyable experience?

Do your planning, then let it go. 

Make your plan and mentally pencil it in, keeping in mind that it is almost definitely going to change. Remember that you are going to need to be ok with that. By doing this you, can feed that planning urge and keep it satisfied, without having to stick to it. This will allow you to nurture that upcoming free-spirited nature. Flexibility is the key, and that may be something that you still need to learn, that is ok too. There is so much growth ahead! 


 Let’s get the hard part out of the way now. Would I be going in the right direction to say, that usually the feeling of being out of control, is the feeling you avoid? Of course, it can be super scary!  So next I propose to you, a new concept. Trust. Trust that everything is going to work out, and everything will be as it is supposed to be. Maybe the universe just crumbled down around you, at the thought of that… I get it I’ve been there too, and sometimes I still go to that place. Unintentionally, of course. I allow myself to have a moment, then I need to pull myself together and remember to trust the process. There are things in life that are uncontrollable, no matter how organised and on top of things you are. That is just life, and that wont change. What you can control however, in any and every situation, is your reaction. How you deal with a situation will heavily impact the outcome. When you can learn to trust that everything will all work out as it should, it will be of comfort to your planning soul. Now this doesn’t always mean it will turn out as you want it to. No no don’t go and get those words twisted, that is not what I am preaching here! My point is, que sera sera, whatever will be will be.

See the opportunity.

So what happens when you’ve done your pencilled planning,and your open for the plan to change. You’ve trusted that even though there is change, it will all work out as it is supposed too. Perfect! Then the change happens, you have a mental breakdown anyway? I use the term mental breakdown lightly in this situation, to refer to freaking out, however that looks for you. You’ve done the work, you’ve prepared for this moment, yet still it is really difficult, and you struggle to pull it together. See the opportunity. What is something good that can come from this change? Focus your energy on either finding or creating a positive, from this situation. That task alone should in fact distract you from the change itself, and can even help to change your energy. Often after using this tool in my own personal experiences, I tend to think, well in fact I am glad that this is happening as it is. 

Celebrate your wins. 

On the contrary to the last section, this part is about celebrating your successes, when they happen. Be prepared for not every opportunity in the beginning to be considered a win, that is, referring to your reaction to a change. But it is important to know that you are making a change in your life. And change is hard. Once you get into the swing of it, you may even start to feel a shift in your energy and a change to your mindset. Feel free to embrace these feelings. When you do have a moment where you accept an unexpected change and even embrace the opportunity, take a minute for yourself and acknowledge your progress. Congratulate yourself for taking steps forward. 

Now perhaps for you being a planner is your one and only way, and that is ok too. I too embraced my necessity for organising, planning and scheduling. However when it came to travel I found it to be tricky. I felt as if I was torn between two worlds. I had my regular life where planning (or let’s be honest and say, being in control), could be seen as a positive. Then I had this new and exciting life, of travel. In this new and exciting life, the things I normally could control, were impossible. There were so many challenges, obstacles and changes that popped up consistently, and sometimes that was difficult to process. The feeling of being out of control and literally in the middle of the unknown can be scary. I have been scared of that before, absolutely. Yet in saying that I would constantly out myself in those situations, through travel. Believe it or not I actually kind of liked it. But I struggled still struggled between the two. So once I realised that I had to ease up and start to let go, of that need to control (plan), the process begun. I became more aware of myself, my habits and patterns. Don’t believe that I am perfect at this, because I am not, but I am conscious. 

Starting to let go of the fear of the unknown, has allowed me to enjoy new experiences, more than I normally would. You better believe that I still have the ability to put my planning hat back on, and snap straight back into it! Now with the added flexibility of embracing new and unfamiliar experiences in life too. 

So do your planning and let it go, trust in the process, see the opportunities and celebrate your wins. If at the end of all that you are still in planning mode, and planning mode only, just know that you have still grown. Be aware of yourself and trust your instincts. It’s all about learning and development and to be truly happy. However that looks and feels for you. 

Conquer your fear of being alone and travel solo!

You want to travel right? You’re the one of your friends when some suggests a place for a holiday, your response is ‘yes, let’s book it now!’. You are the action taker, the one who would actually do it, yet your friends are the dreamers, the ones who always have an excuse to why they cannot. Maybe you are tired of waiting and having your plans fall through, because you are relying on others. You just want to get out and go and explore! So why don’t you? I mean you can, of course you can. People do it all the time, they get sick of waiting and do things by themselves. Or perhaps they never waited because they just prefer to do things alone (yes those people do exist). Maybe you could even be one of those people… Let’s find out; 

“Unless you try to do something beyond what you have already mastered, you will never grow” -Ralph Waldo Emerson

Eating alone at a restaurant. How does the thought of that make you feel? Sweaty? Anxious? Like its impossible and you could never ever do that? Sure, what you are feeling is very real, but once you push past your ego, you can accomplish so much more than you think you can! It feels impossible to do such a task, because you are worried about what people will think of you. Am I right? I’ve been there, I’ve had that very same thought, but it is just a thought. Let’s flip it around, you are out at a restaurant to eat for lunch with a friend and you see a woman eating by herself. Maybe she’s reading a book or just people watching, as she enjoys her meal. She is very much unconcerned about the fact that she is alone and very comfortable in her own company. What would you think of her? Would you think she is brave, confident, comfortable with herself? Or would you think she is desperate and lonely, maybe she’s a horrible person and that’s why no one wanted to go out and have lunch with her. Whichever way your thought process went, it only affected you, it didn’t affect the woman who had a lovely lunch experience by herself. The first time going out to eat alone is the hardest, but you will get used to it and maybe you will even feel empowered by it! I don’t even hesitate to go and eat alone anymore, I can’t even remember it being a thing that I wouldn’t do something like that. I do however remember on a recent trip to Bali within the last year I had an experience in a café, whilst I was dining alone. I had a few things that I wanted to get done, and I thought it would be nice to do them at a café, over a nice breakfast. So there I was doing my thing, I think I was studying French, when a few other travellers walked in and took a seat at a nearby table. They signalled for my attention and asked me if I would like to join them for breakfast (so kind). I replied and thanked them for the offer, however I had a few things to get through and for them to enjoy their meal. They were so shocked, I think even offended. One guy even mentioned something along the lines of they wanted to spare me from eating alone. Hey dude, guess what, it is totally fine for me to be alone! I love and value the travellers spirit of inclusivity and welcoming strangers to join you. I totally participate in this often, however there is a strength in being alone sometimes too.  The experience in that café in Bali shocked me, because I didn’t even consider that someone could think that me being there alone was a struggle or anything other than normal. It also reiterated the kindness of others and the desire to make sure everyone feels welcome, on the travellers path. 

Taking a selfie in public. Ok I’ll admit it, I can get a bit squeamish towards this one sometimes. Maybe you could feel embarrassed that someone could see you taking a selfie. I know I still get that feeling every so often, then I just look around and see how many people are doing it. They don’t feel embarrassed, they just want the photographic evidence that they are doing something cool! I would say it is the same principal of eating at a restaurant alone. You could be self-conscious that someone could think that you are alone, Nigel no friends (sorry Nige!) and feel sorry for you, or maybe even laugh at you! Firstly who cares?! And secondly at least you are in good company (coz your awesome!), maybe the person who you think is judging you, is hanging with someone lame! You aren’t, you are out living your best life, and taking bomb AF pics to share with the world. Who knows, your bold selfie may even inspire someone else to do the same! 

Going on a night out alone. Ok ok, calm it down! It isn’t THAT scary! You’ve already conquered eating out alone, taking selfies in public, this is the next natural progression. First things first, let’s get the boring (but ever so important) stuff out of the way. Safety officer Jazz says; check your surroundings and know that you are in a safe area and environment first. This is a must, preferably before you go out, and an absolute must before you have a glass of liquid courage (if your planning to do that). Trust your gut, let me say that to you again, trust your gut and your intuition when you are out alone. If something doesn’t feel right, if you don’t think you should be there alone, then you probably shouldn’t. Be smart and be safe. Ok let’s rewind a little, before you start venturing out for entertainment while solo, a good starting point is by staying at a hostel (this is always my recommendation). Normally travellers will gather naturally in a hostel in the evenings, they have big plans and will likely welcome you in. This is a nice way to start venturing out alone. Technically you are with others but you are basically still there on your own. It is a nice starting point as it is that little bit less intimidating to go to a place with other strangers, together. No ice breaking needed! However, when you are comfortable and you start venturing out by yourself, there are likely other travellers around who will also welcome you in.  I can’t tell you how many beautifully kind souls I’ve met in the bathrooms. Women always make such great connections in public toilets, surely it isn’t just me! When people find out you are brave enough to venture out alone, they can normally be happy to welcome you into their tribe! One of us, one of us! Perhaps you don’t want to join in with someone else’s tribe, and you prefer to just float around and work the room! You do you boo, live your best life. Safety officer Jazz here again, just remember to be aware of your surroundings and company, and let someone who isn’t with you, know where you are going, so they can check in. Now go have fun, and don’t do anything I wouldn’t do. 

Striking up conversations with randoms. This is an easy one for me, because I just like to talk all the bloody time. Doesn’t necessarily matter who I’m talking to, or even what we are talking about! I just like to talk talk talk. So maybe you are thinking, how can this girl travel alone if she needs to talk to people all the time? Let me tell you something, people are interesting. And talking to people you know nothing about can be super fun! The stories you can share and the things you can learn are amazing. When you start to strike up these random conversations, read the room first. Not everyone wants to be your bestie (sucky I know). But it is a sad fact of life, but a lot of people do in fact want to have a random chit chat every now and then. The more you do it, the more comfortable you will get. Give it a try, today! Also as a side note, I know I can come off as super confident at the beginning of this topic, and although I’m fine to speak to anyone, I can still get that sick nervous feeling in my tummy when approaching groups of new people! But I can promise it does get easier!

I want to make sure that you are feeling like you can do this! Let me tell you that anything is possible. And if you feel the need to wait around for travel companions, then it just may not happen for you! Be brave, be bold and be wild. Conquer that fear and just try it for yourself, you could even surprise yourself with how easy it can be! Practice makes perfect, and you can make it happen! You’ve got this, wild wanderer. 

How to manage stress while travelling

Mental health is so very important, and managing stress Is a key part of that. When travelling there are many unexpected situations that may arise for you. How you handle them in the moment, is a deciding factor for the after effects. I know I may come off as a calm cool and collected person (am I dreaming?), but let me be honest with you. I am a major stresser! Admittedly I’ve gotten better over the years, well probably not better but I’ve just learnt to manage my stress better. I have had my fair share of meltdowns let me tell you! Take into consideration that I like to be organised and plan things, I have a high tendency to stress over the uncontrollable, and I am a Scorpio. Basically I am a recipe for disaster, and an absolute mess! But I am proud to say that through travel, which has been a journey of self discovery and awareness of my reactions, I can now manage my stress much more effectively. It has been a bumpy ride to get to this point, and I am not done yet! But any improvement and always taking steps forward is key. If you are prone to stress, you too can push forward and make improvements for yourself, and let’s be honest, for those around you too! 

Surround yourself with good people. This isn’t always easy when you are constantly on the move, but trust your gut and you normally can tell who are good people and who aren’t. It is always nice to have a support system, even if it is just temporary. It is nice to listen and advise others (helping others always makes us feel good inside), and in return it is nice to have people around if you need to be listened to as well. Neither side of the party should take advantage of this. Don’t be a dick and just find people to complain and unload your emotional baggage on, and don’t stand for this in return. Be kind, always. 

Just breathe. Different situations and different things that pop up can often seem magnified, and usually in my eyes, like they are the end of the world (what a drama queen, right). When you are travelling you are away from so many things, you would normally take comfort in, when change happens. So you could be alone, relying on something and if you don’t get it, your whole path could be rearranged. Remember this, just breathe. Think about the situation with positivity and remember it all works out in the end. Yeah of course, it is easier said than done sometimes, but it can be done. I’ll say it again for those in the back, it all works out in the end, always. This has helped me a lot along the way. I am a big believer in things happening for a reason, and I will always try to look at a situation as an opportunity. Well, that is after my initial mental break down, of course. 

Go with the flow. If you happen to be a planner like myself, this will be a real doozy, to get your head around. However when you are in an ever changing environment, it is a key tip for success. Flexibility and adaptability are both advantageous skills to pack into your travellers tool kit. I will always recommend having a rough pencilled plan in mind, but be prepared to just go with the flow and change your pencilled plans at any moment. This is the best way to have an amazing time. But also this way you won’t be as surprised when changes to your plan occur. 

Take this example. You plan to take a day trip snorkelling, you haven’t booked your ticket and you turn up to the boat terminal in the morning, ready to buy your ticket. You’ve read online you can just get one on arrival. Guess what is next, the tickets are all sold out, you can’t go on the snorkelling trip that you want to. Normal Jazz’s mind; Disaster! What am I going to do?! I read that you don’t need to book prior, and now I’ve missed out! I’m packed and ready, I got up early and now my day is ruined! Go with the flow Jazz’s mind; Ok so looks like I won’t be doing that boat trip today, but what trips are available? Oh there is 1 ticket left for a day trip to a deserted island, where you release baby turtles, and it leaves in 10 minutes, AND its even cheaper for the ticket. Wow I love turtles! Book me in! There are heaps of cool young people also going on this tour today and I will have the best day ever! 

See normal Jazz doesn’t like change, particularly when she’s planned something out, instead of being flexible and resourceful, she freaks (majorly). However go with the flow Jazz, sure she’s disappointed, but she’s solution based, she’s there, she’s ready and she’s going somewhere regardless! Adventure time! 

Take time for yourself. Taking time out for yourself is very important, particularly when travelling. Time for reflection and evaluation, of your situation and your mental state is absolutely essential. Check in with yourself. How am I feeling? Am I happy here, do I need to move on? Is what I am doing right now in line with my goals and values? Am I surrounded by good people? How are my emotions, am I relaxed and adaptable or am I stressed and snappy? Sitting in meditation, journaling, or just some quick self-reflection can be a real difference maker. If things aren’t feeling well, or in line with the direction you want to go in, take action and make change, you are in control of that.  Perhaps you have a hobby that you do at home, sport, reading, dancing etc, that you have kind of forgotten about since being on the move (totally normal). Take some time to do that activity, or any activity you enjoy. Doing something familiar that you like, will spark that self reflection and checking in with yourself process. 

Embrace the opportunity. I have absolutely found myself falling into the rut of responsibility, and forgotten where I am and why I am there. I have forgotten why I chose to live the life of travel and I’ve even sacrificed my core values, in different moments. I have forgotten to enjoy the experience and embrace opportunities. Sometimes we travel to escape the normality of our lives, to see and experience new and wonderful things. To create a life we’ve dreamed of. And then you may find yourself accidentally and unknowingly trying to create your normal life again, just in a different location. There are times I have forfeited doing super fun crazy travel stuff, because I have work in the morning and don’t want to be tired. How many times have you used that excuse in the real world? Try and not make it an excuse again, when you are literally trying to escape that life.” I’m trying to save my money, I can’t afford to go with you guys tonight”. I bet you say that more often than you think. Then you miss out on many unique opportunities that would have been the memorable ones, that you think of when you are making that excuse again at home. It is the things we don’t do, that we regret. 

It is all very simple and easy stuff in theory, the hard part is to applying it during testing situations. Remember to surround yourself with good people always (no baddies allowed), just breathe, go with the flow, take time for yourself and embrace the opportunity. Trust your gut and take chances. Sometimes it is nice to step out of your comfort zone ad challenge yourself! You never know what could come of it! 

How to stay active while you are travelling

I have discussed the difference between travelling and vacation before, and this post is targeted at travelling. I’ll tell you why, because if I am on vacay for a few days only, you better believe I am going to treat myself, and if there are no interesting dance classes or fitness classes in the area, than I’m lazing on the beach or by the pool, only! #guilty but sorry not sorry. 

I try and lead a very active lifestyle, to stay healthy and also because I enjoy it, however I do suffer from having a terribly guilty conscious. So this leads me to needing to get adequate exercise in, pretty frequently. I like to buy gym passes when travelling around, however its pretty standard wherever in the world I’ve been, that a casual pass is around $20 to step in the door of a gym. Now every so often I will take the hit and do it, but when travelling long term, sometimes it’s not always feasible. Sometimes you could be in an area without a gym too, or maybe you can’t stand the gym in general! This brings me to, my top tips on staying active while travelling; 

Find an accountability partner

If you are travelling with others, this could be a little easier for you. How ever if you are solo, this is still possible. I am most usually away from home, and I have friends message me all the time asking me to keep them accountable for something. Sometimes when you are in different time zones, it can work out for the better. Ask a friend to message you before they go to bed reminding you to go for your morning walk. Easy, right?! I find it more motivating to know that if I don’t do something, I could disappoint someone. Don’t get me wrong, that friend probably doesn’t give a shit if I skipped my walk that day. However it inspires me to get up and go, if I think that I need to report in, if I didn’t! Of course I could just tell them I went, and in fact I didn’t go. But again, #guilty. You could also find a new friend in a hostel you are staying in, and do a hike together or walk together into town rather than catch the bus. You get the point. 


Once I had established a very routine exercise regime at home, I was a bit nervous to get back on the road, for fear of not being able to stay motivated. I decided it would be best to invest in some very light weight, easy to travel with equipment, so that I could get some necessary movement in, from anywhere. To start I bought a 2 handled tube resistant band and a skipping rope. I figured I could use the skipping rope for cardio and the resistance band looped nicely around the frame of bunk beds. I could use it for an upper body workout, and do a floor work ab routine to top it off. This worked really well and was great to have these light weight, foldable items with me. I’ve now expanded and also carry a booty resistant band, which is great to step up the lower body workout. You can buy this equipment very inexpensively from a department store, or alternatively if you want some more heavy duty durable equipment, its worth the investment from a sports store too. 

Use Apps 

I was shown an amazing quick but effective workout app, utalising body weight only. You could choose the targeted style of workout you wanted (booty,abs, arms, legs etc), and there were varying time frames also. I initially had the grand idea of doing these workouts in a beautiful park out doors somewhere, but realistically I would do them in a dorm room. I would find a good time where everyone was out exploring, usually midday-ish. Sometimes if there were a few ladies around, I’d ask them if they wanted to join and do a workout all together! That worked out to be a lot more fun than I expected! And people were way more keen to join than I anticipated too! Probably sounded like a pack of elephants for the rooms below, so pick your timings right! And prepare for random bouts of giggling!

Save money and walk

I usually use the first day when arriving at each location to suss out how I would get in my exercise each day. I know it sounds obsessive, I’m just a planner! I remember when I was travelling Croatia I stayed in a few places with beautiful water side walking paths, so I would aim to set my alarm each morning and go for a run along the water. What a way to wake up, right!? I like to semi map out the days when I am limited on time, so planning exercise really fits well into this. If there is a hike I want to do, I’ll pencil that in, or if I want a more relaxed and recovery style day than, I know I’ll need to fit a workout somewhere. If I want to explore the town, then I’ll see if its feasible to walk it all, rather than using public transport etc. Alternatively find some great stair cases in the area, and just do laps of the stairs! Sometimes there are some in really scenic areas, and its a great and quick way to get your cardio in!

Something to keep in mind, and its something I need to remind myself of daily too. Is the importance of being kind to yourself, both physically and mentally. I understand and appreciate the importance of leading an active healthy lifestyle, however I know I can be guilty in pushing myself too hard, and not allowing my body the rest it needs. Now I’ve learnt to listen to myself and my body and feel more in tune to it’s needs. If you miss a day, know that you can pick it straight back up tomorrow! Keep in mind the fact that sometimes while travelling your days can be much more active than your regular days at home and take this into consideration too. Be kind and be gentle, challenge yourself where you can. Don’t be afraid to push your limits, but listen to your body. Most importantly do your best to stay happy and healthy, both inside and out! You’ve got this!

How to decide if travel is right for you

Are you an adventurous, free spirted, outgoing, extroverted, thrill seeker? Perhaps you are calm, introverted, curious and inquisitive. Maybe even shy, relaxed, easy going and an explorer. You could even be a pick and mix of the above, that works too!

Travel can be for many people, I would even go as bold enough to say, travel can be for anyone! We often refer to the world being a small place, but that small place has a lot of content and variety. A lot of opportunities for many diverse people. The key is to just get out there and start seeking, find your space. 

“A mind that is stretched by new experience, can never go back to its old dimensions”

Oliver Wendell Holmes

You could be a person that knows who they are, and what they want, bravo to you! However, when you get out there and start your travel journey, don’t be surprised if that all changes! I often refer to travel as a journey of self-discovery, and I find this to be the truest when I am travelling solo. I try to stay in tune with myself, to acknowledge my feelings about different things and experiences. When I travel solo, I am often confronted with my feelings and reactions, a lot more frequently, and try to take the time to reflect on them as they arise. When I am moving alone, I am much more self-aware, different things that come up I may have unexpected reactions to, and I try to work through this as it comes about. I don’t necessarily do this as much when I am with others, I find myself thinking more of them, and making sure they are comfortable and enjoying themselves. When I became more aware of myself, it changed my travel style. 

A common question I get from people about my travels, is how can I afford it? Maybe that is something that is stopping you too. Believe it or not I really don’t travel with a lot of money or savings. Normally if I know I am going away for a few months or longer, I will work a lot and save as much as I can before I go. I usually won’t go more than a few months without working either. This is a good survival style for me, to travel a few months, work a few months, and enjoy the in between. For me personally it works best, as I need to work and have some responsibility and structure from time to time. I have met people along the way who really prefer not to work at all and will only do it when they are running super low on cash. Each person has different preferences and goals when they are abroad. You can find your way as you go along. I would recommend to do a little research before you leave, on any potential opportunities in that country, and also the visa situation, just to be prepared. Another way to know what kind of budget you need, would be to web search the average daily budget in the countries you are visiting. This varies a lot person to person, but can give you a ball park figure and idea to work with. 

If you are looking to learn new things, to grow and develop, to discover, to explore, to feed your curiosity, maybe you want to escape your normal, redefine your path. Culture and history could be your area of interest, you might even be out to prove someone wrong, someone who said you couldn’t do something and your determined to show them that you can! There can be many reasons that inspire you to travel, and if you have even just one reason, one thing you are curious about, I urge you to try! Challenge yourself and see what can come from the experiences in front of you.

So now we know that there is somewhere in the world that is perfect for you and your interests, you are open to learning about yourself on a deeper level, you understand that you don’t need to have a large lump sum of savings in your bank to get started.  So tell me, are you convinced yet? Have you ignited that burning desire and curiosity in your belly, that’s wild enough for you to pack your bags and book your ticket? If the answer is no, then tell me, what is holding you back? 

Travel vs Vacay, what’s the difference?

Both options are appealing, because they both mean you will be going somewhere right!? I’m writing this post during the co-vid 19 lockdown, and the thought of getting on a plane made me wet my pants a little, with excitement! Anyway.. In my opinion travelling and going on vacation are different ball games. Yes granted there are similiarities, however below you will find my input, for 3 reasons why travelling and going on a vacay are different. 

Difference number one; Budget

That’s right, you guessed it, money. Vacations are commonly where you make it rain with your hard earned cash. My ‘making it rain’ could be very different to yours, either way I’m referring to splurging, however that looks to you. Think about it, if you’ve been on holiday before, can you think of how many times you may have said, something along the lines of; ‘c’mon, we are on holiday, lets go big!’ 

$25 overpriced Pina Colada, at the infinity edge pool of your resort; go on treat yourself, you are on holiday! $200 massage at the day spa; you work so hard, spoil yourself! Expensive meal at a fancy restaurant; you never get to do that at home! Now let’s flip the switch. You are travelling, you don’t know when your next job will come about, and you have a firm budget. You are at the bakery, a loaf of fresh delicious bread is $2, no way; the hostel where you are staying, has free toast for breakfast. You are on the move and it’s the middle of summer, you are in the tropics and its humid as F*** and so hot you just might melt. The air conditioned coach is $15 per person for a ticket. The local un airconditioned, there’s no guarantee of a seat or not getting your luggage stolen, local bus is $7 per person. You will book the local bus, because c’mon you aren’t rich! You are looking to book a hostel, you’ve found an amazing one, excellent reviews, in a perfect location right in town, and it has free activities perfect to meet people, and free breakfast. The perfect hostel is $8 per night, instead you book another hostel out of town, terrible reviews, no inclusions with a reputation of bed bugs; $5 a night, again you aren’t rich! It sounds ridiculous! But your mindset can be totally different in these scenarios! 

Difference number two; Mindset 

This one relates a lot to budget but also is a big deciding factor on how your journey unfolds. Also as a quick side note, don’t be surprised if your mindset changes OFTEN, along the way! Vacay mindset can easily be to enjoy the short time you have, as much as possible. You could have a busy life at home, and don’t get many opportunities to live it up! #responsibilities, am I right?! So naturally you could be persuaded to try new things, maybe things you normally wouldn’t try at home.  You may pack many things in to your schedule, in the shortest amount of time possible. Who needs rest, right? You don’t get to do this often, so you really want to make the most of it! Travelling mindset in the long run, is usually more sustainable. Of course you have those vacay moments while travelling. But when you are on the go for a long period of time, you tend to acknowledge the need for rest and recovery. You appreciate the time to recoup and re evaluate. Are you happy with where you are and what you are doing? Is this aligned with your goals, and are you ticking things off your to do list? Are you surrounded by good people, and do you enjoy your lifestyle at this time? All very dramatic and hard hitting questions, but you do tend to get a little deeper when you are on the move all the time. 

Difference number three; Strategy 

Sometimes you could find that when you are on holiday, and restricted with time, you may have a lot already planned out. Reverting back to the point that, you want to get as much value packed into your schedule. When you are travelling you may go through waves of carefree easy, no planning, just winging it. Then you may be a little more strategic when planning your big moves. Maybe you want to move to a new country, you have an end country in mind but have some free time in the middle. You may just want to fill a gap, but plan a little more strategically, so that you can still end up where you want to be and get there the easiest way possible. When I was in Europe, I had a beginning and end destination in mind, with one scheduled pit stop along the way. I was lucky enough to have no real time frame as well. So I would just go to use one of my fave travel tools,, and would put in where I was at the time, and search ‘to anywhere’. I would choose the cheapest place to get to, that would still allow me to transit to my end destination when the time came. This way I was able to see some places that I hadn’t really planned on! 


In the end it is all subjective, and down to the individual as to how both will turn out. I am confident to say that both can bring you some great adventures, long lasting memories, and of course stunning pics for the gram! Either style you prefer, whether it be travelling or vacaying, the main point is to just get out there! Go far and go often! Remember, we only have one life! I know how I plan to spend mine! 

Top tips to surviving your first time living abroad

Congrats! You’ve done it! You’ve made a decision to go on a journey of self- discovery, I am proud of you! Keep in mind that this is only the beginning, and what follows can be messy, but oh so rewarding. 

I was lucky enough to have my ‘first time’ twice. First, I moved interstate when I was 18, first time away from home, first full-time job, first time interstate alone, all the firsts. After 12 months I started moving interstate, to new and exciting locations, whenever I pleased. So naturally when it came time to move abroad, I thought I had it in the bag, I’m a pro at this relocation thing! Nope, wrong. Moving to a different country is a whole new level! 

So make sure you are wearing your safety harness, because you are on, a roller coaster journey!

Below are my top tips for a little less turbulent journey, to living abroad for the first time.

Tip number one; Have an open mind

What you see (on Instragram) is not necessarily what you get, in real life. Prepare for the roller coaster of emotions, that is on it’s way to you. Try not to pre-set your expectations too high, and allow room to go with the flow. Here is what I mean by this; ‘So when I arrive in France, I will go straight to my hostel and get a good night’s rest. First thing in the morning I will catch public transport and view a room for a house share, then straight after I have a job interview. I expect to move into the house within the first few days and start my job at the same time. I will sign up to a sporting team on Saturdays, and Sunday morning I will take a French class.’ 

Do we all know someone like this? If you dot, its probably you! It is great to have an idea of a plan, but allow yourself some time to explore, when you can. Take a few days to adjust, from the jetlag, potentially to a change in climate, language difference, and of course the cultural differences. This adjustment might take more time than anticipated. All of this can take some time, and it’s is great if you can make the most of it. 

Tip number two; Be bold 

Perhaps you are the loud, crazy fun, extrovert in your social circle at home. But there can be something so awkward about introducing yourself to a big group of people in a hostel, where you are new. Most of the time you won’t have a problem, someone will spot the newby from a mile away, and integrate you into the crew. Fabulous! However sometimes it can be a little more intimidating than that. Fear not, you have these sorts of social situation challenges, planned out for you ahead. The earlier you shake it off, and be brave enough to walk up and introduce yourself, the smoother your ride will be (socially). Now it could go terribly wrong, maybe they don’t speak your language, or they just don’t want you to join them. That is ok, walk away with your head held high and know that you took a big step today! When you tell your friends the story later on facetime, they will likely say ’ What?! You just walked up to them, and introduced yourself?!’, you will feel proud. Own it!

Tip number three; Brace for homesickness 

No matter who you are or where you come from, home sickness will knock on your door. It wont necessarily be homesickness for your home itself, or your family. Yes it is likely you will experience that. However you may get homesickness for your town or your country in general. Sometimes when navigating a new city or country, it can be frustrating. Maybe you are in a rush to get something, but you don’t know where to find it! At home you know exactly where it is, and can have it within an hour. But abroad, you are facing the new and unknown, and maybe even a language barrier! The amount of times ive said ‘goddamn why doesn’t this country just have Kmart’, while travelling is unbelievable. Sometimes it’s a simple as missing your favourite meal or snack, that you just cannot get, wherever you are. 

Tip number four; Be organised, when you can

Organisation comes very naturally for some of us, and not so naturally for others. However some things are always better on the fly, we know that.  I refer to organisation in these top tips, in regard to life admin. Getting a bank account, setting up tax stuff, having a contact number etc. Try and get this done earlier rather than later, it will make your life a lot less stressful. Ideally, research exactly what you need to have before you leave home, and where you need to go to get it done. Make a list and have it with you, to start ticking off when you can. An amazing opportunity could come your way, maybe work or travel related, and if you haven’t gotten these things already organised, you could be too slow to make a move! You wouldn’t want to miss a job opportunity because you haven’t sorted out the documents you need to have a job in that country, when the employer needs someone now. Or an amazing roadtrip with some super cool people you met, because you didn’t have a way for them to contact you, without wifi. You get my drift. 

Tip number five; Treat you self

This one is a personal preference. I always like to think about this one and refer to the age old saying ‘that’s one to tell the grand kids one day’. This can be applied in many situations, so let’s start small. You are a backpacker, I get it, you are on a tight budget. How you were even able to get into the country with that little money, I don’t know (been there, done that). But let’s face it, where there is a will there is a way, and I know you will grind and put aside some cash. So sometimes you need to reward yourself. Immerse yourself in the culture, buy a ticket to a cultural tour, pay for a local beer or meal out sometimes, Buy a piece of traditional clothing. These are the things you will remember. The local and cultural experiences. I like to treat myself when I am travelling, on experiences. I remember I stressed for days and days when I was travelling the USA, about wanting to do a helicopter tour in the Grand Canyon. It was way out of budget and shouldn’t have been on the cards. But I am super invested in experiences, and I convinced myself to spend the money and do the tour. Now I am so glad that I did. I had the most amazing day and truly cherish that experience. Believe me when I say, you will regret the things that you didn’t do, rather than the things that you did. 

Everyone’s experiences will vary and be completely individual. In my opinion the most important thing is to just jump out of your comfort zone, challenge yourself and try as many new things as possible! I see all the time, people just trying to live the same lives they live at home, just in a different country. If that is your style than rock it, but if you are up for a challenge, be brave and jump in head first! I will say it one more time for those in that back, you will regret the things that you didn’t do, rather than the ones you did. 

Things to get comfortable with as a chunky traveller

Here are my top tips, of things to get comfortable with, as a chunky traveller. Sure you may prefer to be referred to as curvy, voluptuous, thicke, bigger, or maybe like me, you just want to be seen as a normal human being (shock horror)! The things mentioned below have come from my own personal experiences over my 9 years of travelling. I have never taken my size in to consideration when travelling, or in fact when doing any thing, I have ever wanted to do. However after exploring some parts of the big wide world, it is apparent that some people have never seen a strong independent curvy woman before, and you will be goggled at like an animal on display, in a zoo. So wear pretty lipstick, and smile!

Tip number one; have a thick skin. Girl I know you are already thicke, and fine as hell, but not everyone is going to see it like that. And yes of course I know we should not care what other people think. However for some reason when you travel, people like to offer you their opinion, more often than normal. And if they don’t say something directly to you, it is likely they will say it with their faces. Some examples of critical times;

-When getting on transportation and trying to find a seat;

-When climbing up to the top bunk in a hostel room;

-When you are asking for directions and mention that you will walk there;

-When asking advice and directions to find a local gym;

Despite what others might think, yes in fact you can go to the gym and walk to places, if you’re over a size small. No you won’t be squashed in the middle of the night, by a collapsing bunk bed. And I won’t inconvenience OR squash you, by sitting next to each other, on public transport. Chill. 

Tip number two; Chaffing. Is. Real. 

Be prepared for this, particularly if travelling to warm countries. I’ve battled with self image for oh so many years and I would never be caught dead in a pair of shorts. Oh so rarely would you even find me in pants. I would only wear pants if it was absolutely necessary. You will most likely find me in a dress or a high waisted skirt and crop top, most of the time. This has killed me many times. Think long days walking, its hot, you are sweating and your thighs are friendly to each other. By the time you get back to your hostel, you are in pain and grumpy! Don’t let this deter you, just be prepared! 

  1. Bike shorts, if you want to wear a cute outfit (ladies we all have travel photo shoot days), then bike shorts underneath, is a safe & subtle option! 
  2. Lubricate yourself. Not actual lubricant. You can buy body glide sticks from sporting stores, or I used roll on deodorant, oil based is longer lasting. Also baby powder, is a gem!
  3. Just wear pants! The best thing I ever did was invest in some great activewear, that I felt good in! Literally changed my life. Sure if I am having a photo shoot kind of day, I will opt for one of the above options. But If I am hiking or having a big day of physical activity, I will opt for my banging & stylish, super loud activewear. Which previously, I would have rather died, or to save the drama, just skipped the activity. Good example, years ago I went bungee jumping in a dress with tights underneath, because I didn’t have the courage to just wear activewear! Jumping off something upside down, in a dress. Can you imagine? Or more recently, canyoning in a dress (see below).

Tip number three; eat whatever you want! Just be prepared for judgement.

I am vegan, and I feel like I get judged more for eating well, than if I was to have junk food, for a meal everyday. People feel the need to comment on whatever you eat, when you are chunky. If you pick up a soft drink you will get the ‘oh so much sugar in that drink’. When you order a salad your subject to ‘are you going to be full after that?’ Or ‘wow so healthy’. You can’t win. So instead, just do you girlfriend, no need to justify yourself, or your choices. 

Tip number four; bring your own shower towel, always.

Have you seen the towels they give you in hostels?! There is nothing more awkward than forgetting to bring your own towel. Then having to struggle to walk from the shower room to your dorm room, in a towel the size of a hanker chief. Let’s be real, there is normally more out than in. It’s a tough balancing act of carrying your bathroom essentials, and trying to keep the mini towel, from flinging open and falling to the floor. I carry a traveller’s towel, they fold up super small and usually come in their own carry bag. Best.investment.ever. 


Tip number five; invest in some comfortable shoes 

This is an essential for ALL travellers, but even more so when you have more beautifulness to parade around. I am not often light on my feet, in fact I am more related to a bull in a china shop. I can go through a pair of shoes pretty quickly, even in normal life. When you are travelling and moving around often and walking a lot, those cute sandals or ballets flats from kmart, aint going to cut it! I’ve done it, I’ve been there and I’ve felt the pain. Your ankles, knees, hips and back can really suffer from this. It may even make you opt to not walk as much. And that is when you miss out on discovering some really cool things, that you wouldn’t notice from a bus or taxi. So invest in a cute pair of comfortable and practical shoes with good support, before you set off! 

Tip number six; Dress culturally appropriate

Do some research before you head away on your big adventure, as to the countries religious and cultural beliefs. Specifically relating to the type of clothing you should wear. I have had to adjust my style over the years in different countries, compared to my norm. Some countries don’t allow you to reveal your shoulders. The girls being out on show, well that is a big no no. I raise this point specifically referring to ‘the girls’ or ‘boobs’. If you are blessed in that department, your perception of when you think they are over exposed, may differ to other peoples opinions. People tell me to put mine away all the time, even when I think I am wearing something, perfectly appropriate. So sometimes in particular countries, it is better to cover up more than your norm, to air on the side of caution. In other countries, you are going to be celebrated for having all of your natural beauty on show (those are the countries you will find me!). Just do your research. 

On a side note, is it just me or does anyone else dread airport security?! I swear I get patted down every single time, I’m always a suspect for concealing something dangerous in between my legs. Nope just my chunky thighs, they are still touching even when I put my feet on the markers and hands above my head. Now I opt to wear pants when possible in airports for this reason, makes the pat down process a little less invasive then when wearing a skirt, in my opinion. 

It is also important to tell you that despite the above, in some countries you go to, you will receive A LOT of positivity! Ok maybe not in some parts of Asia, where sometimes they touch your belly, with such joy and refer to you as buddha. But in some other parts of the world, curvaceous is more desired than not. I remember in Cuba, I got so much more positive attention, and that gave me a secret little confidence boost, a long as it is harmless, of course. 

I hope your takeaway from this article is this; you can do anything you want to do, please don’t let anything stop you, anything. Be yourself in every way possible. I hope you can take something useful from the above tips, and be off on your merry way to seeing this wonderful world. 

-Jasmine Gatt

Tour De Jazz

Start from the beginning…

I didn’t choose the travel life, the travel life chose me. I know, pretty unbelievable, a rather bold statement really, but it is true. So buckle up friends because we are going on a wild ride. A journey of self-discovery, adventure, highs, lows, loop de loops and who knows what else, because this ride isn’t over just yet, 9 years in and I feel like I am only just beginning. 

I want to write this for a few reasons, firstly to show you, yes you, that anything is possible. Oh so cliché I know, but its relevant. It is also relevant to say that you don’t even need to know what you want, well not yet anyway, that’s the beauty of self discovery, it’s a journey. A journey, a story, an experience, a wild ride, whatever you want to call it, you are about to read into mine (if you weren’t already bored and clicked out  of this of course, thanks for staying fam!), and all I can hope from this, is that it makes you feel something, ideally inspired, empowered and motivated that in fact, you can do this too. Ignite that fire in your belly, to chase your dreams, even if you don’t know what your dreaming of, yet!  

It doesn’t matter where you are. You are nowhere compared to where you can go

Bob Proctor

Flash back to 18 year old Jazz, working 4 casual jobs all in different industries because as previously mentioned, I had no idea what I wanted to do in my life! Basically I was working 7 days a week and decided that just like everyone else I would take a gap year before going to Uni, so I saved all of money and strapped on my backpack, ready for a crazy Contiki tour in Europe! Wow so exciting, I’m young, boy crazy, never left Australia, few K saved in the bank and ready for this big adventure! Backpack on, flights and tour booked, let’s go!

Ok so that’s not how it happened at all, part of the above is true though,  I was 18 & boy crazy, working 4 casual jobs over 7 days a week, I didn’t know what I wanted, and I absolutely never would of considered travel as an option. NO WAY! I had no intention of going anywhere, not inside or outside of Australia. My family aren’t travellers, most of which don’t even have passports, so I hadn’t really heard much about travel and certainly didn’t consider it as an option for myself. 

I did however take a good look at my situation and think to myself I needed to start setting myself up, get a good job, a career, and start making a life for myself. All which I intended to be in Sydney, where I would stay for the rest of my life. After having this life crisis and re-evaluation, I decided I wanted to become a secretary, I would break into the corporate world in Sydney, and work myself up to be  the PA to a millionaire, where I would than wear fancy and very expensive clothes, have perfect hair and eventually somehow also become rich, I guess by affiliation? With my life and career path sorted, I applied for I would say around 100 jobs on a jobs website, all with one thing in mind, I would definitely not work in hospitality ever again! Ah how nice it is to plan your life out. A few days went by and I wasn’t getting the fancy internships or job offers that I had imagined I would have by now, in fact I was getting sweet F all. 

Until finally I received a call, hallelujah! One call from 100 applications. Basically, the gist of the call was this, I had applied for a position as a night time receptionist/security guard, at a resort. I was told that since I had no qualifications or experience in either of these things I wouldn’t be offered that position (duh), however this company did think I fit their profile and would be a good fit for a position as a waitress. What?! That is exactly what I said I would never do again! 

However it was full time, and in fact the only prospect that was coming my way entirely, so I decided to take the interview. Long story short, I was successful, and the interviewer told me I would fly out in a few days, excellent! Hold on a minute, fly out, where was I going, where in Sydney do you need to fly to?! Turns out I had unknowingly landed myself a position for an amazing international resort company, that had a resort in the Whitsundays (Wowza! But still, where is that?!), and I was going to go and work there, like really soon. Holy shit, what do I do?! Do I actually go and do this, I have to move and live on my own, and leave my friends and family for a minimum of 6 months, to a place I had never even heard of (but did google and holy moly I was moving to the place of dreams)! So of course, I consulted my nearest and dearest, and they all unanimously told me I would be an idiot if I didn’t go and pack my bags, like now!

So in a matter of days off I went, and what follows changed my life forever. There was a different kind of fire ignited in my belly from then on One with the desire to explore, meet new people, learn about different cultures, see the world. I am writing this as previously mentioned, over 9 years later, I’ve worked and lived in many different beautiful places around Australia, having worked in 4 different countries, travelled to 20 countries so far and my list just keeps getting bigger and bigger. I currently work primarily abroad and travel as much as I possibly can. 

My journey from the time I was 18 has been one of immense self-discovery, most things I’ve learnt have been fast tracked and travelling has taught me so many invaluable lessons, that I am certain I would have never learnt, if it wasn’t for that one job opportunity. For taking that one risk I never knew I needed to take, that than shaped my entire future. The advice I would give to myself back than would be to not be afraid to dream big. Be bold, take risks, live fearlessly and explore all things new. Accept that you can always learn more. I hope you can take something from that, and know that this is just the beginning, and that there are many stories to follow… 

-Jasmine Gatt

Tour De Jazz

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